UPDATE: Only Wallsend Pool remains temporarily closed due to local power outages.

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Find out what changes have been made during this off-season closure.

Our team is thrilled to announce that all five Newcastle Pools facilities are now open!

As many of you will have noticed, the facilities have all received a face lift throughout the off-season closure. Changes include fresh paint, safety improvements and pool tile maintenance.

Further to this, facilities at Wallsend are also currently under construction as new accessible change rooms are built. Our team has been advised that these works are estimated to complete at the end of October.

These recent changes all come as a result of the City of Newcastles ‘Inland Pools Strategy 2043’. An investment plan for the facilities to ensure longevity and accessibility within the local communities.

According to the City of Newcastle’s ‘Amenities upgrade to ensure new swim season is accessible for all’ article, the council have invested $5 million towards upgrades, $2 million towards maintenance and an extra $1.5 million for electrical maintenance.

Other upgrades include:

Lambton Pool Grandstand- Last season saw the commencement of upgrade works for the sixty year old grandstand. These works are expected to be completed in November 2023.

Tiered Seating- Four of the Newcastle Pools Swimming Centres have received new tiered seating. These have been added to Lambton, Mayfield, Stockton and Wallsend.

New Playground- Recently the Beresfield Swimming Centre had a new playground installed. This recent addition also included a new shade sail to help keep the locals' sun safe.

New Lane Ropes- Lap swimmers at Stockton have been provided with brand new lane ropes.

Be sure to keep an eye out on our social media pages, where all further updates will be provided.

Our team looks forward to welcoming you into our new and improved swimming centres this season!
