Due to an overnight break in Wallsend Pool will be temporarily closed. Stay tuned for updates

Have your say on the year-round facility at Lambton Pool – Click HereĀ 

BlueFit Celebrates 15 Years of Inspiring Community Activity

From humble beginnings, BlueFit has grown from a single-site operator to a key player in Australian community recreation management. Through these 15 years, BlueFit has been involved in the management of more than 50 sport and recreation facilities, has recorded over 30 million attendances and employs almost 2,000 people.

All the way back on July 7th 2007, BlueFit was born with the management of the Lane Cove Aquatic Leisure Centre in Sydney. The partnership with Lane Cove Council continues to this day.

As a group, the BlueFit team has been Inspiring Community Activity through challenges and triumphs, and they celebrated by moving into our new Site Support office in Essendon.

We look forward to spending more time in more Australian Communities, and building an outstanding BlueFit family along the way.
