Due to an overnight break in Wallsend Pool will be temporarily closed. Stay tuned for updates

Have your say on the year-round facility at Lambton Pool – Click Here 

Learn to Swim Carnival

On Friday the 14th of December our Lambton facility will be joining forces with Central Newcastle Swimming Club to run a Learn to Swim Carnival.

The event will start at 5:30pm and races will commence at 6pm until around 8pm.

Bring your little swimming legend along for some diving, splashing, dolphin races and so much more! Whether your child is a swimming fanatic or a reluctant swim lesson attendee they will improve their skills, build their confidence, make new friends and above all have FUN!
Optus Junior Dolphins is all about learning through play and for ages ranging from 5 – 11 and all skill levels.

What can you expect?
A series of drills, games and adventures to improve your child’s swimming, build their confidence and make new friends!

What is Optus Junior Dolphins all about?
Optus Junior Dolphins is for kids with basic swimming skills that want to improve in a fun and non-competitive environment. It focuses on fun, so your child will learn new skills and practice old ones through games, swimming and personal development activities. It suits kids who are nearing the end of their learn to swim journey so your child can continue to learn at a pace that’s right for them.

And, it’s all delivered in a safe, social and non-competitive environment that they’ll love being part of!

To register your interest or if you have any questions about the upcoming program, get in contact with Georgia via email (Georgia.limn@bluefit.com.au)
