Due to an overnight break in Wallsend Pool will be temporarily closed. Stay tuned for updates

Have your say on the year-round facility at Lambton Pool – Click Here 

Blue is The New Green

BlueFit is proud to have a dedicated and committed BlueFit Green team. This past year the team has been researching smart energy savings options and practices that will make all our sites in Australia more environmentally sustainable. We are implementing our initiatives in phases to ensure we are finding the best solutions to use in all our facilities.

Some initiatives are visible to customers and staff, such as the reduction of plastic in our cafes and the introduction of more drinking fountains to refill reusable bottles. Other initiatives are happening behind the scenes.

In our plant rooms, we have been installing variable speed drives (VSDs) on our mechanical equipment. These devices can power-down our equipment in times of low centre usage and power-up the equipment only when it is necessary – during peak usage. Our lights look the same, but many have already been replaced with LED fixtures. These fixtures are now significantly reducing our energy demands!

BlueFit Green’s next initiative is to introduce our own BlueFit “Keep Cup” and recycling bins throughout our centres. We are looking forward to seeing BlueFit blend more green in our surrounding environments, are you?
