Due to an overnight break in Wallsend Pool will be temporarily closed. Stay tuned for updates

Have your say on the year-round facility at Lambton Pool – Click Here 

Get Your Active Kids Vouchers In Before 20th Dec

The New Year is fast approaching which means all Active Kids Vouchers are about to expire. To ensure that your child’s Active Kids Voucher is redeemed please upload their voucher to the following link by the 20th of December.

To guarantee your voucher is issued, please make sure your child’s full name, DOB and correct voucher number is uploaded. The child has to be enrolled in a current program for the voucher to be valid.

If you have already uploaded vouchers and are on a direct debit and you still have not received a confirmation email, please check your emails as there have been issues in redeeming some children’s vouchers. If there is no email, please re-upload your child’s voucher again and ensure that you select the correct location.

If you have any further questions please feel free to email them to programs@bluefit.com.au.
