UPDATE: Only Wallsend Pool remains temporarily closed due to local power outages.

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As the sunny days begin to end, we say another “see you soon” to our incredible Learn to Swim program at Lambton Pool.

The Learn To Swim program wrapped up on Thursday the 6th of April.

Our team has been incredibly lucky to witness so many young student’s confidence and abilities grow throughout the Summer. We are all incredibly proud of everyone’s effort, progress and joy.

The team would like to thank the Newcastle community for supporting us through yet another busy period. We cannot wait to see what the 2023/2024 season will bring!

What happens to the direct debit?

If you are new to the BlueFit Swimming program, you may be wondering what happens when we close out for the season. Rest assured, we will not process a direct debit during this time. We will pause your swimming lesson booking and advise you ahead of the next season’s charges.

You will not be charged during this period.

Once the 23/24 season begins, your child’s spot will be reserved and the direct debit will resume. If you do not wish for this to happen, please ensure you cancel out of lessons to avoid being charged once the pool re-opens after winter.

Again, we would like to thank you so much for your endless support. We can’t wait to see you later on this year. We hope you enjoy your break!
