Due to an overnight break in Wallsend Pool will be temporarily closed. Stay tuned for updates

Have your say on the year-round facility at Lambton Pool – Click HereĀ 

Swim For Schools Fundraiser

We are proud to announce that we are hosting, with BlueFit Swimming as a major sponsor, Naomi Findlay’s Swim For School Fundraiser at Lambton Swimming Pool.

They are committed to building 3 United World Schools in Cambodia over the next 3 years! You can choose to register as a team to raise money or donate to one of the swim teams already registered.

As a team of 6 to 10 people, you will complete 22 km swimming within a 50m pool. Individuals can register and will be allocated a team and, there will be a $1200 entry donation required by each team, or $150 entry donation for an individual. There are prizes allocated for the team that finishes first, raises the most money, and finishes last.

They are encouraging all team members to wear your best fancy dress and bring along your cheer squad!

Don’t want to swim? You can choose a sponsor one of our teams so far:
– Regent Street Physiotherapy
– Lucky B***h by Denise Duffield-Thomas
– NPC Quality Painters
– Life Matters Psychologists

You can find out more information here orĀ keep up to date with the event over here!
