Due to an overnight break in Wallsend Pool will be temporarily closed. Stay tuned for updates

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We Are Open: Reminder On Restrictions

We are so glad to have our four pools open to the community again! Lambton, Mayfield, Stockton and Wallsend are open for casual lap swimming, however, there are a few restrictions due to the NSW Government COVID-Safe guidelines.

Everyone aged 16 years and over must have had both shots of your COVID-19 vaccine to attend our pools. You will need to show proof at reception and provide it on request from authorised law enforcement officers.

If you’re not fully vaccinated you may not visit us at this time.

Checking In
It is a requirement to check in on the NSW QR Code. Please show your Green Tick to staff at entry.

Mask Wearing
All members and guests over the age of 13 will be required to wear a mask while in the Centre unless you are swimming or are doing strenuous exercise.

Good Hygiene
Social distancing and hygiene measures must be adhered to when visiting the Centre.

Stay home if you are unwell
If you are unwell; or if you are not permitted to attend under the current health orders, please do not attend.

Follow Team Member Advice
All members and guests are required to follow the direction of our staff or any law enforcement officer.

Be Kind
This is a challenging time for all our customers and staff. We kindly request that you are patient with team members and fellow facility users alike as we all adjust to this new normal

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
